quarta-feira, 4 de junho de 2008

Using technology in and beyond the language classroom

The workshop from teacher Maria Nilce Martinelli Pontes from Culture English located in Uberaba MG was realized into the day May 9. The teacher on the approach the importance from tecnologia about to the educators today. On the showed that the teenagers of today they're called of " youngsters from generation digital " and that is of extreme importance as the educators stay put up-to-date and informed regarding I use of this equipment : dates , techniques of computadores, techniques what facility the lessons e but also even games.
In my opinion this workshop on the gave new ideas wherefore us educators and futures educators no stay put for after. Owes learn this techniques wherefore our followers stay put up-to-date and well informed in relation to the outside world. And know what most importantly is the students , in other words , if they are learning what if be if soups up for confront a future abundant of shifts and transformations.

Um comentário:

Virgínia disse...

very good you have started doing your activities, keep on updating your blog.
