June 5: World Environment Day
The World Environment Day was established by the General Assembly of the United Nations - UN, 1972, to mark the opening of the 1st World Conference on Environment in Stockholm, Sweden. At the same time, another resolution also established the UNEP - the UN Program for the Environment. Celebrated in various ways (parades and concerts, competitions ciclísticas or even releases of campaigns to clean the cities), that day is used throughout the world to draw political attention to the problems and the urgent need for action. Ecology - The environment and ecology have become a concern throughout the world, in the mid-twentieth century. But already in the nineteenth century a German biologist, Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919), formally established the discipline that studies the relationship of living beings with the environment, to propose in 1866, the name ecology for that branch of biology. Joining the Greek words oikos (home) and logos (study), the discipline was confined to academic circles until very recently. She won only social dimension after a large proportion of accident, which spilled 123 thousand tonnes of oil at sea, the coast of England in 1967 with the oil tanker Torrey Canion.
Author: Juscelino Tanaka
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